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(Fae ( Fairy + Human ))
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Some might find it strange that a fairy which is supposedly gender-less is able to reproduce with a physical race. However strange it might be, fairies have 'ways' in which to copulate with the physical races. Lesser fairies are '''incredibly rare''', far more so then typical fairies themselves. When such a connection does actually happen, the results can be remarkable.
=Racial Combinations=
=Racial Combinations=
There is a combination for every physical or partially physical race. All lesser fairies require aetherial energy just like normal fairies, but in most cases can last longer without it unless otherwise stated. Fairies can only reproduce with races that are at least partially physical. All lesser fairies have perpetual youth and beauty until they die. Dark fairies can also reproduce in the same way, and their chaotic aether corruption will be inherited onto their children. A dark fairy's child will slowly become more insane until adulthood where they will likely be in a state of full insanity. Skin colors, hair colors, and eye colors will also be darker (except white dark elf hair and red vampire eyes) for the offspring of a dark fairy. Evil Fairies can also reproduce in this way, and their offspring will harbor magnified malice rather then empathy.
There is a combination for every physical or partially physical race. All lesser fairies require aetherial energy just like normal fairies, but in most cases can last longer without it unless otherwise stated. Fairies can only reproduce with races that are at least partially physical. All lesser fairies have perpetual youth and beauty until they die. Dark fairies can also reproduce in the same way, and their chaotic aether corruption will be inherited onto their children. A dark fairy's child will slowly become more insane until adulthood where they will likely be in a state of full insanity. Skin colors, hair colors, and eye colors will also be darker (except white dark elf hair and red vampire eyes) for the offspring of a dark fairy. Evil Fairies can also reproduce in this way, and their offspring will harbor magnified malice rather then empathy. '''Only a narusune is able to be directly corrupted by chaotic aether, the other lesser fairy variants must be born from a dark fairy in order to be corrupted.'''
===Narusune ( Fairy + Kitsune )===
===Narusune ( Fairy + Kitsune )===
A narusune is created from the combination of a fairy and a kitsune. Narusune possess vibrant fur, eye, and hair colors which would otherwise not exist in natural kitsune. Narusune have the added bonus of possessing no primal desires, instead having a greatly magnified empathy for others. They can also have up to twelve tails, gaining a new tail after the first one every 50 years instead of a hundred years. They can also live longer, up to 1200 years. They are less sensitive to the aetherial field, and instead react to it in the same way a fairy would. This also means they can become corrupted by chaotic aether, causing them to follow the same path into madness as a dark fairy. The only difference to the corruption is that it does not change their form, and they may mask their insanity for limited amounts of time. They will never fully devolve into a sub-sentient creature, instead remaining an incredibly chaotic and insane sentient being. Narusune can cast '''[Power II] [Control VII]''' spells.
A narusune is created from the combination of a fairy and a kitsune. Narusune possess vibrant fur, eye, and hair colors which would otherwise not exist in natural kitsune. Narusune have the added bonus of possessing no primal desires, instead having a greatly magnified empathy for others. They can also have up to twelve tails, gaining a new tail after the first one every 50 years instead of a hundred years. They can also live longer, up to 1200 years. They are less sensitive to the aetherial field, and instead react to it in the same way a fairy would. This also means they can become corrupted by chaotic aether, causing them to follow the same path into madness as a dark fairy. The only difference to the corruption is that it does not change their form, and they may mask their insanity for limited amounts of time. They will never fully devolve into a sub-sentient creature, instead remaining an incredibly chaotic and insane sentient being. Narusune can cast '''[Power II] [Control VII]''' spells.
===Fae ( Fairy + Human )===
===Fae ( Fairy + Human )===
Fae are the offspring of a fairy and a human. These beings are surprisingly mundane compared to the other lesser fairy variants, only possessing vibrant eye colors not possible in humans, but otherwise normal hair colors. Fae do have the advantage of possessing a Class A aetherial affinity, making it easier for them to learn magic then normal humans. They can live slightly longer then a normal human (120 years) and retain their youthful appearance for noticeably longer. Fae can cast '''[Power IV] [Control VI]''' spells. (If the human side of the combination is half-elf, then the Fae will have gossamer wings with the same flight restrictions as the other lesser fairies.)
Fae are the offspring of a fairy and a human. These beings are surprisingly mundane compared to the other lesser fairy variants, only possessing vibrant eye colors not possible in humans, but otherwise normal hair colors. Fae do have the advantage of possessing a Class A aetherial affinity, making it easier for them to learn magic then normal humans. They can live slightly longer then a normal human (120 years) and retain their youthful appearance for noticeably longer. Fae can cast '''[Power IV] [Control VI]''' spells. (If the human side of the combination is half-elf, then the Fae will have gossamer wings with the same flight restrictions as the elven lesser fairy variants.)
===Pixie ( Fairy + Aesiri )===
===Pixie ( Fairy + Aesiri )===
Pixies are the offspring of a fairy and an aesiri. They sport brilliant gossamer wings plus vibrant eye and hair colors. They must channel aether in order to fly, but require substantially less power then what a fly spell would require. Pixies have a heightened sense of empathy for others, somewhat rounding the rough edges of the typically cold and reserved aesiri personality. They can live slightly longer then an aesiri, up to 1000 years. Pixies are able to cast '''[Power III] [Control VII]''' spells.
Pixies are the offspring of a fairy and an aesiri. They sport large brilliant gossamer wings plus vibrant eye and hair colors. They must channel aether in order to fly, but require substantially less power then what a fly spell would require. Pixies have a heightened sense of empathy for others, somewhat rounding the rough edges of the typically cold and reserved aesiri personality. They can live slightly longer then an aesiri, up to 1000 years. Pixies are able to cast '''[Power III] [Control VII]''' spells.
===Sylph ( Fairy + Sylfae )===
===Sylph ( Fairy + Sylfae )===
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===Sprite ( Fairy + Yu'Lorei )===
===Sprite ( Fairy + Yu'Lorei )===
Sprites are the offspring of a fairy and a Yu'Lorei. They have the same skin and hair color as a lori does, but possesses small and delicate gossamer wings and vibrant eye colors not normally possible. They must channel aether in order to fly, but require substantially less power then what a fly spell would require. Sprites then to be clever and fun loving tricksters, employing the powerful Yu'Lorei mind for the purposes of teasing people and just having a plain old fun time. They do have a heightened empathy for others, but aren't afraid to pull a few pranks or tease someone. A sprite has the same lifespan as a regular Yu'Lorei. Sprites have a Class B aetherial affinity and can cast '''[Power II] [Control III]''' spells, making them substantially more capable of casting magic then a normal Yu'Lorei.
Sprites are the offspring of a fairy and a Yu'Lorei. They have the same skin and hair color as a lori does, but possesses small and delicate semi-transparent wings and vibrant eye colors not normally possible in lori. They must channel aether in order to fly, but require substantially less power then what a fly spell would require. Sprites tend to be clever and fun loving tricksters, employing the powerful Yu'Lorei mind for the purposes of teasing people and just having a plain old fun time. They do have a heightened empathy for others, but aren't afraid to pull a few pranks or tease someone (lori are already very empathetic, so not much has changed). They also have a reputation for being annoyingly sociable, and outright sassy. A sprite has the same lifespan as a regular Yu'Lorei. Sprites have a Class B aetherial affinity and can cast '''[Power II] [Control III]''' spells, making them substantially more capable of casting magic then a normal Yu'Lorei.
===Pegataur ( Fairy / Centaur )===
===Pegataur ( Fairy + Centaur )===
The offspring of this pairing is referred to as a Pegataur. They look like a centaur with white or black fur and pegasus wings that match the fur color. They have a unicorn on their forehead and have vibrant hair and eye colors, often multiple colors at once. They can fly without any use of magic. Unlike regular centaur, pegataur can cast magic at a moderate strength and intricacy if they are interested in the subject. They can live twice as long as a normal centaur.
Pegataurs are offspring of a fairy and a centaur. They look like a centaur with normal fur colors, but possess pegasus wings which match their fur color. They can possess vibrant eye, hair, and tail colors, often multiple colors at once. Pegataurs may fly without channeling aether, but will become exhausted after flying for too long. Pegataurs are able to live for twice as long as a normal centaur, and will retain a youthful appearance their whole life. They tend to be more magnanimous then outright empathetic, but are usually good natured all the same. Pegataurs have a Class C aetherial affinity and can cast '''[Power III] [Control III]''' spells.
===Incubus / Succubus ( Fairy / Vampire (Pure / Human) )===
The offspring of this pairing is referred to as an Incubus or Succubus(male / female), and will resemble a normal vampire. They will have bat-like wings and a spaded tail(which can be hidden with magic) and can have vibrant hair colors(their eyes will always be red). They are not affected by sunlight or sensitive to magic and can cast magic as well as any human can. They can fly unaided by magic, however they only live half as long as an ordinary human.
===Incubus / Succubus ( Fairy / Vampire (Elven) )===
===Leprechaun ( Fairy + Dwarf )===
While technically the same as an incubus / succubus aside from inheriting an elven base appearance instead, this pairing will result in the offspring having gossamer wings instead of bat-like wings and they will not possess a tail.
Leprechauns are the offspring of a fairy and a dwarf. They are actually smaller then a dwarf, only reaching about 3 feet tall. They tend to be a bit lankier then an actual dwarf, but otherwise appear the same. They can have vibrant eye colors but will have dwarven hair colors. Leprechauns have a particular knack for mischief, and love to hoard piles of treasure. They live as long as a dwarf, typically aging at the same rate. They also possess the same aetherial class and limitations as a regular dwarf.
===Demon Kitsune ( Fairy / Demisune )===
This pairing is incredibly unlikely, but in the event that it happens will result in the birth of a Demon Kitsune. A demon kitsune possesses all the traits of a demisune, but can possess vibrant hair and fur colors. They can live 2000 years and gain two tails at age ten, then ten more tails at age 20 resulting in a total of twelve tails. They will retain their youth and beauty after full maturity until death. They do not need to consume blood, instead being able to suck the life essence out of any physical being nearby. They also do not require any food or water. They also do not need aetherial energy, as their aetherial soul is powered by the life essence they drain from others. They do not feel empathy or emotion and do not experience blood lust. A demon kitsune will likely kill anyone who stands in their way or whose life essence is needed for their survival. They are capable of absolute mental focus, and can cast the most intricate magic at the most powerful level possible(if they possess adequate knowledge). A demon kitsune usually has a grand aspiration determined at birth that they will pursue relentlessly.
===Incubus / Succubus ( Fairy + Vampire )===
This race is the offspring of a fairy and a vampire. They will mostly appear the same as their vampiric counterpart, except they will have particularly 'attractive' features. If the vampiric lineage has elven blood, then the incubus/succubus will have pointed ears. They will always have red eyes, and will also sport bat-like wings and a spaded tail. Their tail can be hidden by channeling aether, however they are only able to do so for a limited time do to restrictions in their aetherial affinity. They are not affected by sunlight and have no sensitivity to magic. They must channel aether in order to fly, but require substantially less power then what a fly spell would require. They have the same lifespan their vampiric parent possesses, up to a maximum of 800 years. Due to the fairy parent being purely aetherial, an incubus/succubus will inherit the same blood purity as their vampiric parent. Their lifespan and abilities can never exceed noble caste. While they do need to drink blood in order to live, they are more empathetic towards others, however this empathy has been twisted by the vampiric state and often times becomes a lust for intimate encounters. They have a Class C aetherial affinity and can cast '''[Power II] [Control II]''' spells.
===Demon Kitsune ( Fairy + Demisune )===
An extremely unlikely pairing, a demon kitsune can only be born from a fairy and a demisune. A demon kitsune will possess the same basic traits of a demisune. They will gain two tails instead of one at 12 years old, and proceed to gain 2 more tails every 2 years until they have a total of twelve. They can live 2000 years and will retain their youth until they die. They do not need to consume blood, instead being capable of draining the life essence out of any physical being nearby. They also do not need to eat or drink, and do not require any aetherial energy to stay alive. Their aetherial soul is powered by the life essence they drain from others. They will start losing their ability to feel empathy or experience emotion after they gain their first set of tails (age 12), and will progressively feel even less until they no longer experience any empathy or emotion at 12 tails (age 22). They do not have any blood lust, but can feel when their aetherial soul is running low on life essence. a demon kitsune will likely kill anyone who stands in their way, or anyone needed to sustain their existence. They are capable of absolute focus and are just as sensitive to the aetherial field as a normal kitsune but do not experience any pain. This allows them to cast '''[Power V] [Control VIII]''' spells. They normally develop some form of grand aspiration during the time they are still able to experience emotion, and will retain this desire after they lose their emotions. (This race is unplayable and may only appear as an antagonist.)

Latest revision as of 23:52, 18 August 2020

Some might find it strange that a fairy which is supposedly gender-less is able to reproduce with a physical race. However strange it might be, fairies have 'ways' in which to copulate with the physical races. Lesser fairies are incredibly rare, far more so then typical fairies themselves. When such a connection does actually happen, the results can be remarkable.

Racial Combinations

There is a combination for every physical or partially physical race. All lesser fairies require aetherial energy just like normal fairies, but in most cases can last longer without it unless otherwise stated. Fairies can only reproduce with races that are at least partially physical. All lesser fairies have perpetual youth and beauty until they die. Dark fairies can also reproduce in the same way, and their chaotic aether corruption will be inherited onto their children. A dark fairy's child will slowly become more insane until adulthood where they will likely be in a state of full insanity. Skin colors, hair colors, and eye colors will also be darker (except white dark elf hair and red vampire eyes) for the offspring of a dark fairy. Evil Fairies can also reproduce in this way, and their offspring will harbor magnified malice rather then empathy. Only a narusune is able to be directly corrupted by chaotic aether, the other lesser fairy variants must be born from a dark fairy in order to be corrupted.

Narusune ( Fairy + Kitsune )

A narusune is created from the combination of a fairy and a kitsune. Narusune possess vibrant fur, eye, and hair colors which would otherwise not exist in natural kitsune. Narusune have the added bonus of possessing no primal desires, instead having a greatly magnified empathy for others. They can also have up to twelve tails, gaining a new tail after the first one every 50 years instead of a hundred years. They can also live longer, up to 1200 years. They are less sensitive to the aetherial field, and instead react to it in the same way a fairy would. This also means they can become corrupted by chaotic aether, causing them to follow the same path into madness as a dark fairy. The only difference to the corruption is that it does not change their form, and they may mask their insanity for limited amounts of time. They will never fully devolve into a sub-sentient creature, instead remaining an incredibly chaotic and insane sentient being. Narusune can cast [Power II] [Control VII] spells.

Fae ( Fairy + Human )

Fae are the offspring of a fairy and a human. These beings are surprisingly mundane compared to the other lesser fairy variants, only possessing vibrant eye colors not possible in humans, but otherwise normal hair colors. Fae do have the advantage of possessing a Class A aetherial affinity, making it easier for them to learn magic then normal humans. They can live slightly longer then a normal human (120 years) and retain their youthful appearance for noticeably longer. Fae can cast [Power IV] [Control VI] spells. (If the human side of the combination is half-elf, then the Fae will have gossamer wings with the same flight restrictions as the elven lesser fairy variants.)

Pixie ( Fairy + Aesiri )

Pixies are the offspring of a fairy and an aesiri. They sport large brilliant gossamer wings plus vibrant eye and hair colors. They must channel aether in order to fly, but require substantially less power then what a fly spell would require. Pixies have a heightened sense of empathy for others, somewhat rounding the rough edges of the typically cold and reserved aesiri personality. They can live slightly longer then an aesiri, up to 1000 years. Pixies are able to cast [Power III] [Control VII] spells.

Sylph ( Fairy + Sylfae )

Sylphs are the offspring of a fairy and a sylfae. They sport delicate semi-transparent wings and vibrant eye colors, but have otherwise normal hair colors. They must channel aether in order to fly, but require substantially less power then what a fly spell would require. The nurturing nature of a sylfae is combined with the strong empathy of a fairy, producing a being which is good-natured to the core. Sylphs can cast [Power III] [Control VI] spells and have a Class A aetherial affinity.

Sprite ( Fairy + Yu'Lorei )

Sprites are the offspring of a fairy and a Yu'Lorei. They have the same skin and hair color as a lori does, but possesses small and delicate semi-transparent wings and vibrant eye colors not normally possible in lori. They must channel aether in order to fly, but require substantially less power then what a fly spell would require. Sprites tend to be clever and fun loving tricksters, employing the powerful Yu'Lorei mind for the purposes of teasing people and just having a plain old fun time. They do have a heightened empathy for others, but aren't afraid to pull a few pranks or tease someone (lori are already very empathetic, so not much has changed). They also have a reputation for being annoyingly sociable, and outright sassy. A sprite has the same lifespan as a regular Yu'Lorei. Sprites have a Class B aetherial affinity and can cast [Power II] [Control III] spells, making them substantially more capable of casting magic then a normal Yu'Lorei.

Pegataur ( Fairy + Centaur )

Pegataurs are offspring of a fairy and a centaur. They look like a centaur with normal fur colors, but possess pegasus wings which match their fur color. They can possess vibrant eye, hair, and tail colors, often multiple colors at once. Pegataurs may fly without channeling aether, but will become exhausted after flying for too long. Pegataurs are able to live for twice as long as a normal centaur, and will retain a youthful appearance their whole life. They tend to be more magnanimous then outright empathetic, but are usually good natured all the same. Pegataurs have a Class C aetherial affinity and can cast [Power III] [Control III] spells.

Leprechaun ( Fairy + Dwarf )

Leprechauns are the offspring of a fairy and a dwarf. They are actually smaller then a dwarf, only reaching about 3 feet tall. They tend to be a bit lankier then an actual dwarf, but otherwise appear the same. They can have vibrant eye colors but will have dwarven hair colors. Leprechauns have a particular knack for mischief, and love to hoard piles of treasure. They live as long as a dwarf, typically aging at the same rate. They also possess the same aetherial class and limitations as a regular dwarf.

Incubus / Succubus ( Fairy + Vampire )

This race is the offspring of a fairy and a vampire. They will mostly appear the same as their vampiric counterpart, except they will have particularly 'attractive' features. If the vampiric lineage has elven blood, then the incubus/succubus will have pointed ears. They will always have red eyes, and will also sport bat-like wings and a spaded tail. Their tail can be hidden by channeling aether, however they are only able to do so for a limited time do to restrictions in their aetherial affinity. They are not affected by sunlight and have no sensitivity to magic. They must channel aether in order to fly, but require substantially less power then what a fly spell would require. They have the same lifespan their vampiric parent possesses, up to a maximum of 800 years. Due to the fairy parent being purely aetherial, an incubus/succubus will inherit the same blood purity as their vampiric parent. Their lifespan and abilities can never exceed noble caste. While they do need to drink blood in order to live, they are more empathetic towards others, however this empathy has been twisted by the vampiric state and often times becomes a lust for intimate encounters. They have a Class C aetherial affinity and can cast [Power II] [Control II] spells.

Demon Kitsune ( Fairy + Demisune )

An extremely unlikely pairing, a demon kitsune can only be born from a fairy and a demisune. A demon kitsune will possess the same basic traits of a demisune. They will gain two tails instead of one at 12 years old, and proceed to gain 2 more tails every 2 years until they have a total of twelve. They can live 2000 years and will retain their youth until they die. They do not need to consume blood, instead being capable of draining the life essence out of any physical being nearby. They also do not need to eat or drink, and do not require any aetherial energy to stay alive. Their aetherial soul is powered by the life essence they drain from others. They will start losing their ability to feel empathy or experience emotion after they gain their first set of tails (age 12), and will progressively feel even less until they no longer experience any empathy or emotion at 12 tails (age 22). They do not have any blood lust, but can feel when their aetherial soul is running low on life essence. a demon kitsune will likely kill anyone who stands in their way, or anyone needed to sustain their existence. They are capable of absolute focus and are just as sensitive to the aetherial field as a normal kitsune but do not experience any pain. This allows them to cast [Power V] [Control VIII] spells. They normally develop some form of grand aspiration during the time they are still able to experience emotion, and will retain this desire after they lose their emotions. (This race is unplayable and may only appear as an antagonist.)